Productivity for Entrepreneurs | Tech-Talk Tuesday

June 23, 2015

  1. Love these tips! I think scheduling out time to respond to emails is big for me. 🙂

  2. Emily says:

    The email thing is clutch. I really need to implement that for myself because I swear that’s where all my free time goes. Great tips!

  3. Ally Allison says:

    Ah, Natalie! This is great! Do you ever feel like home chores distract you? I can’t work if there’s dishes in the sink!

    • Natalie says:

      Ally – The biggest thing I’ve had to learn is although I work from home, I can’t do my housework during the day. I start to feel really overwhelmed when I’m juggling business with housework simultaneously and therefore have needed to compartmentalize those portions of my life. Housework has to get done before or after I start the business day and my husband, Hugh, helps with the dishes, laundry, and grocery shopping during busy season! It’s a team effort!

  4. You know, I was SO PRODUCTIVE before getting married, because I stuck to 25 minute work sessions to focus. This post made me order an egg timer to get started on that again!

  5. Rachel smith says:

    Great ideas Natalie : ) I’ve gotta try the Self Control App!

  6. Brooke says:

    I love the kitchen timer idea, Natalie! I use that for work time (edit for 1 hour, set a 5 minute break) but I love the idea of using it for those time sucks that we can get lost in – like social media! Thanks for the great tips – during busy season these are so helpful!

  7. Lacoya says:

    SUCH great advice, as always, friend! XO

  8. Brittany says:

    Another great post, Natalie! I work from home, too, and I have two young daughters, so it means my actual work time is incredibly limited and rarely uninterrupted. I definitely like the Self-Control App though, that way when I do have small chunks of time to work I can actually be working and not wasting precious minutes!

  9. Brea says:

    It feels like you wrote those email tips special for me, haha! I’m SO guilty of the preview read. I have probably 6 emails in my inbox I could have responded to by now if I had just set time aside to do so!

  10. Naomi says:

    This was SO helpful to read – I love the time limits suggestion, so simple yet so effective! I also was glad to hear your tips on how you battle with home chores while working at home too since I often feel like I need to leave and go to a coffee shop to be productive. Dishes and laundry seem to stare me in the face and win the productivity battle some days…

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